Comprehensive Maths Book Pack Year 4

MSRP: $81.80
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Comprehensive Maths Book Pack Year 4

Our Comprehensive Maths Year 4 Book Pack gives students the range of skills across Numbers, Algebra, Statistics, Probability and Problem Solving they need to get the results they want! Save up to 20% for four comprehensive resources, that have been specifically written for the Australian Curriculum.

This pack contains the following titles to help your child succeed:

Targeting Maths Problem Solving Year 4

The Targeting Maths Problem Solving series unravels the mystery by teaching the key strategies needed to discover the solutions. The maths problem-solving strategies explored in this book are: Understand and draw the problem, Identify the steps and choose an operation, Make a model and use Guess, Check and Improve, Spot and use patterns, Make an organised list and work systematically, Draw a picture or diagram, Work backwards and try a simpler case and Draw a time. The eight units in this book are explicitly written to teach a strategy. Each unit begins with a sample problem that shows how the strategy can be used to find a solution. Students are then expected to apply this strategy to solve the rest of the problems in the unit.

Catch-Up Maths Number & Algebra Statistics & Probability Year 4 Book A

CATCH-UP MATHS is written for students struggling with their year-level maths. It takes maths topics back to the foundation and ensures that all basic concepts are consolidated. Lots of revision and opportunities to practise and build confidence are offered, before moving on to new concepts. Fully aligned to the Australian Curriculum. Each book contains; 10 chapters that teach a separate maths strand eg. Multiplication, Fractions etc, Simple, step-by-step explanations of every year's level strand, Examples, practice exercises and video demonstrations for every topic.

Targeting Maths Dictionary

This dictionary is an essential guide to the mathematical language and concepts used in Australian Primary Schools. Written with the young reader in mind, this dictionary provides clear and simple definitions. Filled with photos and diagrams, this colourful reference book will bring the language of mathematics to life for primary school students. Also included are many charts, including symbols, abbreviations, shapes, prime numbers, Roman numerals and fraction and measurement conversion tables.

Blake's Maths Guide - Middle Primary

This colourful guide is a vital reference for anyone wanting a basic understanding of the Australian Mathematics curriculum in primary schools for Grades 3 and 4. Blake's Maths Guide - Middle Primary is divided into the three major strands of the maths curriculum with the sub-strand topics in their recommended teaching order: Number & Algebra, Measurement & Geometry and Statistics & Probability. Each topic contains simple descriptions of concepts with examples and TRY THIS activities for students to test their understanding.

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Year 4
Book Packs

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