Targeting Comprehension

The Targeting Comprehension Activity Books teach students how to read between the lines. Each book contains activities for Literal and Inferential comprehension for Years 3, 4, 5 and 6.

A good understanding of comprehension is essential for effective writing and communication.

Literal comprehension is simply what the text says whereas Inferential comprehension interprets ideas, intent or information in explicit text to make assumptions. The activities in this series are intended to teach students how to hypothesise and conclude using their personal experience and intuition. In other words—how to read between the lines.

  • Literal—understanding information and facts directly stated in the text
  • Inferring—making assumptions based on context
  • Predicting—extrapolating where aspects of a text may lead
  • Analysing—interpreting the unstated notions behind what is written
  • Making connections—finding links between two elements of a text
  • Critical reflection—drawing on own experience and knowledge to gain insight into characters