Excel HSC Maths Advanced Book Pack

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Excel HSC Maths Advanced Book Pack

Our Excel HSC Maths Advanced Book Pack has been specifically designed to help Year 12 students thoroughly revise all topics in the Year 12 Mathematics Advanced course and prepare for their assessments to get the results they want! Save 30% for three Excel resources, that have been specifically written for the Australian Curriculum Mathematics course.

This pack contains the following titles to help your child succeed:

Excel Success One HSC Topic-By-Topic Mathematics Advanced 2023 Edition

Revise the smart way with Excel Success One HSC Topic-By-Topic Mathematics Advanced 2023 Edition. Use this guide during the year to practise HSC questions whenever you have completed a topic in class and need to study for a topic test, assessment task or lastly for the HSC Exam. Includes Thirty-one years of past HSC questions: questions from 1992 to 2022 HSC papers.

Excel Success One Mathematics Advanced 2024 Edition

This book includes:

  • 2014–2019 Past HSC Mathematics papers. To ensure productive use of your time, in each paper we have indicated which questions are not examinable in the Mathematics Advanced syllabus.
  • Bonus questions from the Mathematics Advanced syllabus. After every one of the 2014–2019 HSC past papers we provide you with lots of specially written questions on the current syllabus topics, such as The Normal Distribution and Bivariate Data Analysis, to replace those questions that are no longer examinable in these papers.
    This will allow you to practise complete papers worth 100 marks for the Mathematics Advanced syllabus.
  • The 2020-2023 HSC Examination papers.
  • Worked answers for every question. These answers are: detailed and easy to understand written by experienced HSC markers.

  • Excel Year 12 Mathematics Advanced

    Excel Year 12 Mathematics Advanced has been written for the Year 12 Mathematics Advanced syllabus to help students revise key points and gain confidence for their final exams. This study guide includes great examples with worked solutions, practice questions and handy tips for successfully completing Advanced mathematics. Topics include Calculus, Statistical analysis and Financial Mathematics.

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