Targeting Handwriting
Designed to develop a solid foundation for handwriting success, Targeting Handwriting Student Books and Teaching Guides comprehensively cover the Primary Handwriting Curriculum in a clear and structured way, with content directly linked to state syllabus outcomes.
This series is suitable for primary school students and teachers, Years K/Prep–7.
Targeting Handwriting NSW includes: Student Books and Teacher Resource Books for Years K–6 and NSW Poster Packs for Years K–1.
Targeting Handwriting QLD includes: Student Books for Years Prep–7, Teacher Resource Books for Years 1–7, QLD Poster Packs for Years 1–2 and QLD Handwriting Desk Strips.
Targeting Handwriting VIC includes: Student Books and Teacher Resource Books for Years Prep–6 and Modern Cursive Poster Packs for Years Prep–1.
Targeting Handwriting WA includes: Student Books and Teacher Resource Books for Pre-primary–6 and Modern Cursive Poster Packs for Years Prep–1.