Excel Basic Skills
The Excel Basic Skills series provides students with the opportunity to practise and consolidate their basic skills in a write-in workbook format.
With over 75 books in the series, students from K/F to Year 6 will be able to thoroughly cover the English, Mathematics and Science and Technology curriculum. Books include:
• Excel’s most popular range of English and Mathematics workbooks with carefully graded double-page units of work and marking grids to identify strengths and weaknesses
• English and Mathematics workbooks covering the full range of English skills
• English workbooks that focus on individual topics such as Spelling and Vocabulary, Grammar and Punctuation, Comprehension and Written Expression, Basic Reading Skills, Basic Vocabulary Skills, Building Your Vocabulary Skills, Writing Skills and Creative Writing
• Mathematics workbooks that focus on individual topics such as Addition and Subtraction, Multiplication and Division, Problem Solving and Fractions, Decimals and Percentages
• A Mathematics series that focuses on Mental Maths Strategies
Answers are provided for all questions. All books in the series were written for the Australian Curriculum by experienced educators.
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